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Showing posts from February, 2016

It started with a cup of coffee............

I recently gave a talk to the Bedford Embroiderers' Guild and as I presented my sketchbooks and artworks many of the attendees admitted that they just didn't know where to start with new ideas.  I explained how I went about it and how sometimes inspiration can come from the most unexpected places - such as a cup of coffee! In this instance I just loved the shapes that the milk foam formed (or 'Latte Art' as those in the know call it apparently!) and as I am a lover of nature instantly saw an emerging bud with beautifully veined leaves. This led me to open my sketchbook and start drawing and developing the shapes. I loved the flowing forms and started to think of different media that I could use to explore them further. I used wire to recreate the shapes and bound threads and papers around them to add colour and texture. I also used scrunched up magazine pages (with floral images) and machine stitching to present the shapes in another way. ...

Going back in time and The Archive Project

Earlier this week I really felt like I had stepped back in time in more ways than one as I went to look at Debbie Lyddon's wonderful exhibition at Haslemere Museum. I grew up in Haslemere and have many fond memories of visits to the Museum throughout my childhood - an elephant foot bin, a Mummy wrapped in bandages with a scary toe exposed, a stuffed bear (full size, standing) and trays and trays of beautiful butterflies to name but a few of my lasting memories. My godmother also worked at the museum and my mother just next door as a reporter on the Haslemere Herald. Professor David Bellamy also loved this museum which was his favourite and he was a frequent visitor as a child. So I was delighted to discover that 'The Archive Project' exhibition was to be held at the Museum as it gave me an opportunity to revisit it with fond memories. I was so excited when I walked into the reception that I positively gushed about all of my memories and connections to the poor receptio...

Putting it all out there - Illness and Art Therapy!

I've recently discovered that I haven't written a blog post since last July, shocking! The truth is that I've had a pretty bumpy ride recently and I haven't been sure whether to talk about it on social media or keep it to myself and carry on (thinking that no-one will be any the wiser and that wouldn't be such a bad thing would it?).      The problem is, being a 'Creative' my feelings and thoughts go hand in hand with my work and it is not so easy to compartmentalise these things. I think I need to start being a bit more honest with myself about how events have affected me though so that I can grow stronger and move on in a positive way.  I hope that putting this out there in the ether will help me to stop worrying about telling people and whether they think any less of me as a result, it is what it is. This is now sounding overly dramatic and I apologise as it is just related to my health issues.      To sum up: I have had Rheumatoid Arthriti...