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Missenden Abbey - Plenty of inner artists discovered!

I've just had the pleasure of teaching a weekend course at Missenden Abbey called 'Discover your Inner Artist' and judging from the wonderful work my students produced, I would have to say that they all definitely succeeded in finding theirs!

This is the first time that I have taught at Missenden and it was an absolute delight I have to say, it was very well organised and both the food and location were a real bonus. There were 9 ladies in my group and after some brief introductions they got straight to work on the Friday evening with some printing.

On the Saturday, there was some designing and wirework development. Once everyone had been introduced to the tools and equipment they did some experimentation, refining their skills as they went. It was amazing to see how much they improved in the space of a few hours.......

........but not quite as amazing as all those ladies working in one room without talking (for some of the time anyway!), they were all lost in creativity which was great to see.

 In the afternoon, they developed their skills further by adding mixed media to their wirework and came up with some brilliant ideas.

And to finish off the course, students produced a framed wirework piece too - they were fantastic!

Well done ladies, some great results!


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